
Our educational principles

«Your child shall feel good at our nursery»

We are able to identify the needs of the children and support their holistic development. We offer each child to experience herself/himself as an individual by its own creativity and expressiveness. And of course, the children are treated according to their stage of development.

In order to guarantee an ideal support, our highest aim is to fulfil the basic needs of the children, particularly to promote of their emotional and social development.

The children experience a socially and culturally diverse environment within the children’s group. They are allowed to be themselves and to develop themselves in their own rhythm.

They can express their opinions that we accept and respect. We encourage the children to express and live their own feelings and wishes. Feelings of joy and disappointment are part of our daily life and can be experienced authentically.

We respect the children’s wishes, opinions and needs by taking them seriously and by integrating them in our daily plans.

We support and foster that the children get acquainted with each other.

We make sure that the group consists of a broad social and age mix.

We provide care free from gender specific characteristics. (While boys, e.g., are motivated to show their feelings openly and are allowed to cry, girls are permitted to play with cars and work at the workbench as the boys are, etc.)

The children’s awareness for the environment is raised by topics in the areas of nature, human beings and animals. Joint waste disposal, shopping or visiting a farm are integrated into the daily tasks.
We also make sure that the children get regular exercise in nature.

Physical activity is key to learning. The children benefit from a variety of rooms to move, and once or twice a week we go to the gym to move ourselves together with them.

Since we focus on a thoroughly mixed social composition of the groups, children benefit from the possibility to identify age-, development- and gender-specifically.

Interacting with different nationalities, cultures, religious believes and ways of life promotes their tolerance and their mutual understanding.

The children experience a violent-free care. At the same time they get the feeling of stability and safety through justified and consistent boundaries

We encourage the children to act independently and to show respect for others.

And we support them to learn to accept and deal with conflicts.


IMG 3340


IMG 2394