About us


After a needs analysis in the municipality, the Wichtelhuus Day Nursery started as a pilot project on 18 August 2003.

The pilot phase lasted 1.5 years until December 2005 and the nursery was taken into permanent operation at the municipal assembly on 16 June 2005.

2003-2008 the nursery led a group of 12 places per day. Owing to the great demand in the Aegeri Valley, a second group of 10 places was opened on 1 September 2008, after a 4-month reconstruction and extension period.

Despite the extension of the Wichtelhuus Day Nursery the waiting list continued to grow and the Municipal Council reacted to create additional places.

On Monday, 10 December 2012, the inhabitants of the Municipality of Unterägeri allowed the credit for the nursery extension.

Childcare places for infants are ensured in Unterägeri for the next years. The new Schönenbüel Day Nursery, approved at the Municipal Assembly in December 2012, was constructed by prefabricated timber at a breathtaking pace.

The new opening allows the Municipality of Unterägeri to offer additional 24 care places of which 5 were passed down to the Municipality of Oberägeri. As in the existing rooms of Grossmatt, in Wichtelhuus Schönbüel 2 groups of 12 children can be cared for.

For many parents, the Wichtelhuus Day Nursery is an integral component of the Aegeri Valley. Our supplementary childcare framework is an important add-on used by families.

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